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Aromatherapy - Reiki -Breathwork- Mindset

Reiki Energy Healing: 
Reiki is a form of alternative medicine referred to as energy healing. Reiki practitioners use a technique involving hands-on healing through which a "universal energy" is transferred through the palms of the practitioner to the recipients in order to encourage emotional or physical  healing and well-being.  
This Practice can also be done remotely. Practitioners are trained in several techniques to provide a healing session from a distance so although an in person session can include other modalities, one can benefit from the healing session even when there is physical distance.
30 Minute Distant/Virtual Healing Session
60 Minute Distant/Virtual  Healing Session
60 Minute Session
90 Minute Session

What to expect during a Reiki session:

*A sense of relaxation and peacefulness, warmth and tingling, an movement of energy through the body.
*Calming of the mind and feeling of gratitude.
*Restful experience or may fall asleep.
*A client may experience physical sensations during a Distance Reiki session, much like the experience of an in -person session.  

Aromatherapy & Reiki:
Combining these two therapies can provide deeper release for pain and stress, emotional or physical. 
Infrared heat can be included in any session for no additional charge. 

60 Minute Session
90 Minute Session

Aromatherapy is a holistic healing treatment that uses essential oils from natural plant extracts to promote health and well-being. Aromatherapy uses aromatic essential oils to improve the health of the body, mind, and spirit. It enhances both physical and emotional health. Oils have amazing healing properties. During an aromatherapy session, eight oils are layered on the back, or neck and shoulders, or the hands depending on the need of the client. Essential oils can help relive pain and stress.

60 Minute Session
90 Minute Session

Feeling overwhelmed? This session will provide you with an introduction to ways to deal with physical and emotional stresses. Explore how you can shift your energy to support your well-being mind, body and spirit.

Virtual 30 Minute Session
Virtual 60 Minute Session

In our modern world today, most people are under stress, are experiencing poor sleep and have an elevated breath rate. This elevated breathing pattern can have an profound effect on your health. By incorporating some simple, meditative, breathing exercises, you can have a positive impact on your nervous system response in a matter of minutes.

Water, Whiskey and Coffee breathing.... and how to use them 
Learn how to regulate your nervous system by developing a breathing practice using these different techniques. 

Meditation Workshops:

Sacred Circle Discussion and Meditation: During these special events, we focus on a new topic or "tool" to help you create a practice of self-love and self-care. Small daily actions create new and lasting habits for positive change.  How do we create balance? How do we feel rooted and tap into our radiance?   Leave feeling relaxed, focused and vibrant.  Bring a journal if you like. but not required.  In person and virtual events. For a schedule of events, visit: Divine Sage Collective Events


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