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Unleashing Potential

Many of the amazing women in my life have been asking how pole dance came into my life.  I thought I would tell you a little bit about this journey I've been on and how teaching pole and chair dance came into my life.

Almost  six years ago I decided to finally take my dear friend up on her offer to take a sexy fitness pole class.  I knew about her classes and had wanted to check it out because it sounded like fun! We did a fun warm up and the girls took to the poles.  Holy cow! I was blown away by the athleticism and strength these women had all while looking sexy and graceful, terms I would certainly not use to describe myself.  I was hook after the first class and decided to jump in.  I figured 1 class a week would be all I could do.  I was never a girl who liked to go to the gym or be on a treadmill....dancing, no matter how awkward I felt, this was a lot more fun.

I was blown away by the spins and tricks these "youngsters" were able to do!!  Being 47 year of age at the time, I can pretty much say I was the oldest student regularly attending class at the studio.  Once an week turned into twice, then up to four times a week! I just couldn't get enough of it. 

Trying to embrace my  later 40's was a barrel of fun.  Needless to say, I had gained a few pounds, and just felt run down and not particularly comfortable in my own skin.  I know as women we ALL experience this! It has nothing to do with age, size, etc., it's just something we, as women, deal with.  The thing is we all think the women around us look like they have it all together and it's just "me" that experiences this sort of thing.

I began spending more and more time at the studio because I felt so comfortable and the other women accepted me for who I was...late 40s and about 20 pounds overweight, and a little grumpy on occasion.  It's easy to get stuck in our "stuff" the day to day junk that can wear you down.  Every time I was in the studio I was encouraged and loved by my new "sisters".  

In the beginning I watched these goddesses do all of these amazing things and although I was having fun I had convinced myself that I would never be able to do most of what I had seen these girls do, because I wasn't fit enough or young enough and whatever other excuses I made up in my head.  Over time, I started getting stronger, doing some of those tricks and truly surprised myself!  Of course, the girls had been encouraging me all along because they knew something I hadn't figure out yet, that the only limitations I had were those I created in my mind.

About a year into my new found addiction,  my friend shared with us information about a competition in the Los Angeles area.  I never would have considered it except that she said to me..." you should do this!" The beauty of being late 40's is that sometimes you just say to yourself, what the hell, I'll try it, what do I have to lose?? So I jumped in and face my fears. 

 We also put together a team to perform a pole routine at the International Pole Convention! Never in a million years would I have ever...EVER...thought I would be doing anything like this! At the competition, I had the opportunity to watch and meet others from the pole fitness world and I was blown away by what they could do and how absolutely loving and supportive they all were.  "Competitor's" were cheering each other on...truly amazing!  Then I had a chance to watch the top people in the country perform...unbelievable! I had the privilege of watching one artist in particular, Greta. Everyone in the pole community knows who I am talking about.  Greta did an amazing performance with some of the most bad ass moves I have ever seen.  Guess what?  She was 61 at the time. WOW!  At that moment, I realized I had had all of these notions about what I could do, couldn't do and that she just blew all of my excuses out the window.  

What had I been saying no to? There were moves I never even attempted because I just "knew" I could never do them.  So I walk into the studio the Monday after this great experience and one the girls who lovingly challenge me, turned and said..."you can do this"!!!  So I tried this new thing, and I did it!! Well... shut the front door!! I realized, I had been saying no to trying things in the studio and also in my life. What other ways had I been holding myself back from my greatest potential?

So you may be wondering how did this turn into an opportunity to teach?  Anyone who knows me knows I am passionate about helping others, especially women.  We have the power to make a huge positive impact on those around us and our world when we are sharing our talents and gifts with the world.  Not that I am the best dancer...certainly not! What I see all the time is women, who are overwhelmed, run down, lack confidence and are not comfortable in their own skin.  I've been there so I know exactly what that’s like. I want to help other women by sharing this experience with them and help them find the confidence to share their gifts and come into their power. Now I'm 53 years young, and have been teaching for several years now.  I have students from 20-60 years of age!

SOOOOO....I invite you to find that inner diva and unleash YOUR inner goddess by joining me and other women who can share this journey together! This is a girl’s only class. We do a fun work out that helps strengthen your core, muscles and bones..all things important as we get into our 30's, 40's and beyond.  Getting older does not mean you can't have fun!!  We will learn moves on pole, floor and chair and you can move at your own pace.  No matter what age, height or size, we are all beautiful women and can help each other discover and empower the goddess within us.


  1. Rhonda is an enthusiastic and gentle teacher, & a GREAT dancer. She moves her body in a sexy & feminine way that is uniquely her own. Luckily for us she is willing to share her lessons about dance & life with us. You must take a class.Love you lady.


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