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Showing posts from March, 2021

Unleashing Potential

Many of the amazing women in my life have been asking how pole dance came into my life.  I thought I would tell you a little bit about this journey I've been on and how teaching pole and chair dance came into my life. Almost  six years ago I decided to finally take my dear friend up on her offer to take a sexy fitness pole class.  I knew about her classes and had wanted to check it out because it sounded like fun! We did a fun warm up and the girls took to the poles.  Holy cow! I was blown away by the athleticism and strength these women had all while looking sexy and graceful, terms I would certainly not use to describe myself.  I was hook after the first class and decided to jump in.  I figured 1 class a week would be all I could do.  I was never a girl who liked to go to the gym or be on a treadmill....dancing, no matter how awkward I felt, this was a lot more fun. I was blown away by the spins and tricks these "youngsters" were able to do!!  Being 47 year of